By the grace of her Master, Shri Ramakant Maharaj, Sri Annji Ma gives weekly Satsangs/ Q & A's

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On the day of Shri Ramakant Maharaj's Mahasamadhi, 31st August 2018

“Nitin tells me that Maharaj's body has just been set alight. At this precise moment, as I close my eyes, Maharaj appears! The atmosphere is misty and ethereal. Then, Maharaj passes his arm through the ether and places his hand on my head. He says: "Follow me!"”

-Timeless Years with Shri Ramakant Maharaj 2012-2022

“It is clear you are the direct guidance of the masters of the Navnath Sampradaya.” 

-Christopher Quilkey

"Death" Concept and the Lineage Teachings - with extracts from the book Who Am I ?

16th October 2023

"Neo-Advaita" Concept and the Lineage Teachings

9th October 2023

"Vegeterian" Concept and the Lineage Teachings

2nd October 2023